from twitter 2014-10-19

  • なんでこんな回ったかなあと思いつつ寝床。グリーン奮発してよかった。起こしてもらわなかったら久里浜だった。 00:20:12, 2014-10-19
  • 船橋の吉田類笛飲み屋でご禁制のブツ召し上がって大層ご機嫌である。三ツ石の頑張りとか石毛のダメっぷりとかは忘れることにする。 00:23:11, 2014-10-19
  • 昨日やり過ぎた感満載だけど、なんとか起き出してハイキング。 07:53:56, 2014-10-19
  • 寝て起きたらNスペすごいな、これ再放送あるのかな。 21:47:42, 2014-10-19


  1. This guy clearly needs a job. Be a good sport and give him one! Not only will you keep him off the streets, but you will be helping him cope with the large amounts of time hanging heavily on his hands. Ditto for all the out of work former 2010 Census workers about to be released into society. In addition, you will be giving much needed hope to millions of protuberant proboscis sufferers everywhere. And for the record, Andy nose is not big; his face is small.


  3. Domani sera Atalanta Napoli sar la partita dei grandi ex: Cigarini e Denis in campo e Pierpaolo Marino. dietro la scrivania. Il dg degli orobici, in una lunga intervista al Corriere dello Sport, si confessato a cuore aperto, raccontando le sue emozioni per quella che sar una serata tutta speciale.